Caza's Book Club

This is my blog where I can write about writing about my stories and my corsets.
Well, yesterday I reached a decision - not hugely momentous, but should have an effect on my life. I'm going to buy a new corset today. Not the expensive properly fitted on, you understand, but another interim one. I was um-ing and ah-ing over the weekend and most of yesterday about whether my current one would last me longer, but yesterday afternoon I realised it was actually more uncomfortable for being too loose.

A bit paradoxical, I know, but let me explain: a properly fitting corset will support you, keep you firmly upright with good posture, hold you in all the right places. Your body adjusts to this, and expects to be held, squished.

So, with a badly fitting corset, it supports me in some places, but not in others, and my body has to work to support me in a position which isn't completely natural, and therefore gets stressed, especially sitting down for a time, for example.

So, I therefore need to get a new one if I'm going to continue to corset most days. Part of my dilemma was using some of my savings towards my fitted corset for this one, but I also don't want to be corsetless too long, so its the only sensible option :)

I've been doing more writing, squeezing the words out one by one, so hopefully a new story won't be too far off... the second part of Chastity Corset. There, I've said it now, now I've got to do it!




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